TOGETHER- Coming Soon!

I have been recording music for 18 months now for an album that will be entitled “Together”. It is music from 30 years of collaborations with musicians from all over my artistic life- the cabaret world, the theatre scene, the rock clubs. It’s been a total joy putting it together. I recorded about a song a month just down the road from my house at Pete Remine’s Dubtrain Studio in West Seattle. I also got to record with an 18-piece orchestra at the wonderful non-profit studio Jack Straw, which was a total thrill.

There will be record release concerts this summer - a few of them to get a chance to play with all the musicians on different nights and look for the record in May/June. For a sneak peek at some of the artwork, check out what illustrator Kathryn Rathke and designer Corianton Hale are starting to put together for the visuals!


Something’s Afoot