
Clips from NowNowNow, solo show at On The Boards

"NowNowNow," premiered at On the Boards directed by David Bennett. It explored the blurring of reality. The human impulse to play and pretend meets our modern world where our social lives have become media and scripted realties bring a strange comfort.

Crafting our social personas for mass consumption, where any post can be seen by one person or millions, what do we create? How do we change our voices to fit the mediums of our time?

As an actor who was trained in pretending and play, for Rudinoff, these themes and questions have been ever present. Truth is formed by agreement and consensus. How do we go deeper with ourselves and others in this modern world and what paths do we go down trying to find something real to hang on to.


"The Stepsisters Lament" from Cinderella at The 5th Avenue Theatre


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