Wes Hurley’s Capitol Hill

Written, Produced and
Directed by Wes Hurley


Capitol Hill is a comedy-horror soap opera web series which premiered on The Huffington Post in 2014. The series was created, written, directed and produced by Wes Hurley. The show is named after Seattle's historic Capitol Hill neighborhood.

Both inspired by and parodying TV shows of the 1970s and 1980s such as Murder, She Wrote, Dallas, and Charlie's Angels, the series focuses on young and innocent Roses Smell (Waxie Moon) who escapes from Portland, and finds romance and stardom as a TV personality in Seattle. Capitol Hill is both a dark comedy and a queer deconstruction of narrative cliches and traditional gender norms.



Waxie Moon………………………………… Roses Smell
Robbie Turner……………………………...Dottie Pearl
BenDeLaCreme………………………… Herself
Jinkx Monsoon…………………………… Celeste Dahl
Alexandra Tavares……………………Tanya
Jonathan Crimeni…………………….Mayor
Colby Keller…………………………………….Himself
Mark Siano………………………………………George
Guinevere Turner……………………….Therapist
Alexandra Billings……………………….Herself
Annette Toutonghi…………………….Mother Terisha
Sarah Rudinoff………………………………Anna Zhopova
Charles Leggett…………………………..Holy Godfather
Jason Carter…………………………………..Father Dick
Aleska Manila…………………………….….Helena Pen Poison
Miss Indigo Blue………………………….Poops Smell
Zoe Scofield…………………………..………Demon
Jennifer Jasper……………………………Sister Malvina
Jackie Hell………………………………………..Dinky Pie
